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Tue, Feb 18, 2025


Flower, a new smell-installation made for the Creativity World Forum

On show November 16th & 17th, 2011
Ethias Arena, Hasselt - Belgium

About Flower:
Flower is a smell-installation and is 9 m high.
Visitors can smell the strange and lovely smells the flower creates when they touch the bulb of the flower.

More than 1000 thorns look like strawberries and smell like strawberries.

The green bulb smells fresh and powerfull while the roots of the flower have a more psychedelic smell and unconscious memories



We aim to get you to startacreative spring in your organisation. We'll kick off with inspiring speakers and workshops. Hear the birds sing, smell the blossoms, feel the creative wind and blow your mind.

General Event Information

Ethias Arena Hasselt
Gouverneur Verwilghensingel 70
B-3500 Hasselt

Contact Nora Weytjens with all your questions about the expo and sponsorships.
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
+32 16 24 29 07


Inspiration. Creativity. Innovation. By Flanders District of Creativity, the Flemish organization for entrepreneurial creativity. For companies, researchers, policy makers, teachers, students. And everyone with a healthy interest in creativity.