Olfactory art, the use of scent in art, Accademia Di Belle Arti - Brera, Milan, IT, 12.12.2018
The Museum of Smells, Lecture: Smell as an artistic medium in the context of the contemporary museum, Stedelijk Statements, invited by Caro Verbeek, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, NL, 12.10.18
The use of the sense of smell in art, Accademia Belle Arti, Bologna, IT, 28.05.2018
The power of scent2. Scent in context2, Smell festival, Bologna, IT, 25.27-05.2018
The power of scent. Scent in context, Experimental Scent Summit, The Swedenborg Society, London,GB, organized by The Institute of Art and Olfaction, L.A., 18-19.04.2018
Scent in Context, Command Alternative Escape, galeria di Venezia, invited by Natasha Pradhan, Venice, IT, 06 – 13.05.2017
Aromatic Art (Re-)Reconstructed: In Search of Lost Scents, VU University Amsterdam, invited by Caro Verbeek, Wende Wallert, Amsterdam, NL, 24.02.2017
Scent as a medium, Vlieg, invited by Elien Vanlaer, Lene Ector, Leuven, BE, 26.01.2017
Is This Mankind, Artist talk interviewed by Caro Verbeek, De Warande, Turnhout, BE, 09.10.2016
20 Years working with scents, KU Leuven Campus Kulak, Kortrijk, BE, 04.10.2016
2nd World Congress on Olfaction & Issues, Politecnico di Milano, Digital Olfaction Society, Milano, IT, 23-24.05.2016
Experts @ Your Service, PXL Hogeschool, Hasselt, BE, 29.04.2016
Smell Your Earth! Geur als stakeholder van duurzaamheid en energie, Earth Day, Vlaamse Energie Maatschappij, Brussel, BE, 22.04.2016
Olfactory art and other smelly businesses, Mediamatic, Lecture organized by Caro Verbeek, Amsterdam, NL, 08.10.2015
I am hurt, kunst in de wachtruimte, Zebrastraat, org. David vzw, Gent, Be, 13.12.2014
Artist talk, Museum to Scale 1/7, Kunsthal, Rotterdam, NL, 07.12.2014
Doctoral School Behavioral Science & Humanities, Campus UHasselt, Oude Gevangenis, Hasselt, BE, 03.04.2014
Academiegasten, KASK, Antwerpen, BE, 14.03.2014
Sense of Smell, Symposium, Moti Museum, Breda, NL, 02.12.2014
Olfacio, lecture, Buda-Fabriek, Kortrijk, BE, 06.11.2014
Sense of smell, 48 hours Sweatshop, Communication & Multimedia Design, Avans cmd, Breda, NL, 29.10.2013
The use of smell in art, design and games, lecture, 1st World Conference Digital Olfaction, Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Berlin, DE, 11-12.04.2013
When scent makes seeing, when seeing makes scent, lecture, Symposium Beyond Art and Design, Mad-Faculty, Hasselt, BE, 07.03.2013
Olfactology lab, The use of smell in art, lecture, 101th College Art Association, Session Olfactory Art, Hilton Hotel, New York, US, 16.02.2013
Olfactology Lab, lecture, Creativity World Forum Hasselt , BE, 16.11.2011
Olfactology Lab, Lecture Pecha Kucha Night in Ostend , BE, 10.09.2011
Do it, Smell it, lecture and debat with Peter De Cupere, Jim Drobnick (Ontario College of Art and Design, Toronto), Caro Verbeek (arthistorici and curator), Yolanda van Ede (University of Amsterdam), Adam Tasi (Smartnose, Amsterdam), Valentina Hulsman,Sue Corke, Circle of Senses (Aroma DJ/VJ), Stedelijk Museum - Amsterdam, NL, 23.09.2010
Olfactory Art, debat, Festival De Wereld van Witte de With, with Peter De Cupere, Caro Verbeek (art historicus) and Garmt Dijksterhuis (professor Sensory Science, Unilever). Moderation: Hans Kennepohl., org. Arminius, Rotterdam, NL, 10.09.2010
Olfactology Lab, lecture, The Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Sience and the Arts, Brussels, BE, 21.04.2010
Vreemde Vogels, Fintele, org. Regionaal Landschap IJzer & Polder, Lo-Reninge, BE 13.05 – 30.08.2016
One Drop of Freedom, PXL-MAD School of Arts, Hasselt, BE, 08.01 – 21.06.2016
Roten, Eau de Leie, Texture Museum, Kortrijk, BE, Installation in Situ, June 2015
Sweat, edition presentation, Free University Brussels VUB, Brussels, BE, 09.01.2015
Open Studios, Studio Peter De Cupere, org. NICC, Antwerp, BE, 07.09.2012
Just another day, workshop, Artez Studium Generale, Arhnem, NL, 14.02.2014
Olfacio, the first smell recognition app for the iPad, collaboration with Cartamundi, project organised bij Arteconomy
Open Studios, Studio Peter De Cupere, org. NICC, Antwerp, BE, 09.09.2012
NanoLove Perfumance, Nano Now, Flemish Parliament, Brussels, BE, 9-10.11.2007
Smell Me Perfumance, Smell-happening at the opening of exhibition Smell Castle, Beauvoorde-, BE, 15.06.2007
2004 – 2005
Smelloflowers, Artintegration, Sensire Den Ooiman, Arhnem, NL,
Scentconcerts with the Olfactiano through Belgium, different locations, BE,
Olfactory concert ‘Smellsonate for city Brussels’, Beursschouwburg, curator Guido Minne, Brussels, BE, 10.11 – 21.11.2004
Smellballoon-performance by Onashita, smell-me happening, opening exhibition Sniff Receptor, Z33 Hasselt, BE, 08.11.2003,
The Pink lady 974 A+, Pam Ename exhibition “Tracer”, Ename, BE, 13.09 – 02.11.2003
Flirt, Smart Project Spaces, Amsterdam, NL, 16.02.2002
Edition for the ‘Mosselpot’ of Marcel Broodthaers, S.M.A.K., Editions of Panamarenko, Luc Tuymans , Jan Fabre, Jacques Charlier, Jan Van Imschoot, Berlinde De Bruykere, Peter De Cupere, Ghent, BE, 26.01.2001
Perfumance ‘Dr. Smellart’, “Over The Edges”, S.M.A.K. , Ghent , BE, 24.06.2000
Smellcom Happening, Erickson Nocturne in The Museum of Contemporary Art , BE, S.M.A.K., Ghent, September, 1999
Saltreedboat on lemon smell, Artintegration, Ministery of the Flemish Gouverment, Copernicus building Antwerp, BE, 1999
noses, noses & Noses, Artintegration, Children clinic Free University Brussels, BE, inauguration 07.05.1999
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