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Tue, Feb 11, 2025

dots1Peter De Cupere shows a model of his City Perfume Concept 'Drop Perfume'.

The model is a proposition for a city smell as monument. Every minute 1 drop of perfume comes out of the crane.

In this exhibition visitors can try out the model of the concept with chocolate fragrance.
Exhibition: Dots, Sint-Niklaas-Belgium, Curator Stef Van Bellingen, Oct.-Nov. 2006

Drop perfume is realized in real at the artist home. Visitors to the artist studio can take a drop of the sweat of the artist while he was working in his studio. This work will travel though several exhibitions in 2007-2012


This exhibition focused on new sculptural attitudes in Flanders since the late nineties. Important issues were the relation and tension between sculpture and (semi-)public space. The influence of the digital age altered the formal language, use of materials and stimulated the reflection on eternity or temporality in spatial realisations by artists.

The main venue was the ´Vierkante Zaal´, the exhibition space from the city academy in Sint-Niklaas. With six other venues a parcours was created in the cultural-commercial part of town. Existing works were juxtaposed to new realisations, which included soundpieces.

Artists in ´DOTS´

Peter Buggenhout, Caroline Coolen, Leo Copers, Cel Crabeels, Luc Deleu, Berlinde De Bruyckere,
Thierry De Cordier, Peter De Cupere, Koen De Decker, Wim Delvoye, Hans De Meulenaere, Yvan Derweduwé,
Bren Heymans, Philip Huyghe, Honoré δ’O, Ruben Kindermans, Lawrence Malstaf, Carlo Mistiaen, Paul Perdieus,
Peter Rogiers, Frank Theys, Sven t’Jolle, Stefaan van Biesen, Koen Van Mechelen, Niko Van Stichel,
Philippe Van Wolleputte, Dirk Zoete.