28.11.2018 - 08.01.2019
Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Bruxelles, BE
The island is naturally present in Peter de Cupere's oeuvre, both in a sensory and an immaterial dimension. He is internationally renowned for an approach that uses the sense of smell and interpairs as an essential tool for a subjective inclusion of the world and of social, scientific or complex realities.
For the exhibition 'Island Ish' Peter de Cupere created two scent compositions based on his residency on Isola Comacina in 2011.
The two scent compositions are presented as Scented Air Paintings in wooden transport boxes. The scents are also created as Artfumes. You can find more info about these Artfumes on the website www.artfumes.com
The exhibition "ISLAND-ISH"
The exhibition "ISLAND-ISH" is dedicated to the works of a selection of Italian and Belgian artists who have stayed in residences on Comacina Island.
The initiative to offer artists from both countries the opportunity to stay together in a place of outstanding natural beauty has not only encouraged artistic production, but has also promoted cultural and human exchanges between Italy and Belgium.
The aim of the exhibition is to pay tribute to and raise awareness among the general public about this cultural promotion project, which is part of the very close bilateral relations between our countries, both at the institutional level and in civil society.
We know that art and culture are a fundamental instrument for strengthening links between countries, as well as the sense of belonging to a community with shared history and values. Through this exhibition, the Comacina project is being brought to our attention, the same year that the European Union celebrates and highlights the "European cultural heritage" which, in its various expressions - monumental, in situ and other works - helps us to discover the richness of the common cultural heritage and to revive intercultural dialogue.
Artists: Peter de Cupere, Aurore Dal Mas, Richard Venlet, Marta Colombo, Joachim Coucke, João Freitas, Alice Pedroletti, Élise Peroi, Pietro Weber
Curator: Emmanuel Lambion, Bn PROJECTS
Organized by: the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, the Flemish Community, the Comacina Island Foundation, the Brera Academy and the Italian Cultural Institute of Brussels.
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