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Sat, Feb 15, 2025

cover-museum15.03.2014 - 06.07.2014

  Museum to Scale 1/7 is a project initiated by renowned Belgian art collector and scholar Ronny Van de Velde and organized by The Baker Museum. Consisting of a collection of close to 70 diorama museum galleries devoted to Belgian artists and art movements, the installation recalls the 17th, 18th and 19th century Wunderkammern, the cabinets of curiosities/wonder, and is also conceived as homage to Marcel Duchamp and his boîte-en-valise and to Grandville’s illustrations for Gulliver’s Travels.

In accordance with a firmly established postmodern tradition, the museum is at the same time subject and object of an intervention that operates as a mise en abyme — that is, the representation of an object using the object itself as a frame of reference. Museum to Scale features thematic and historical ensembles devoted to symbolism, surrealism, photography, the Cobra movement, abstract and minimal art and then leads to a section in which Belgian contemporary artists have each decorated a room in their own original way. The historical galleries include works by artists such as René Magritte (1898-1967), Felix De Boeck (1898-1995), and Marcel Broodthaers (1924-1976). Among the contemporary artists represented are Jan De Cock, Pierre Alechinsky, Koen Van Mechelen, Ann Veronica Janssens, Angel Vergara, Johan Muyle, Luc Deleu, Luc Tuymans,Peter de Cupere, and many more.

A website augments the visitor experience by integrating an interactive component. Visitors can select their favorite museum galleries by scanning the QR codes on the object labels with a smartphone. This selection is sent to the website Museum to Scale and is registered there. The individual viewing behavior is tracked by the platform of the website and thus the visitor becomes a curator. In doing so, (s)he creates his/her own ‘ideal’ exhibition.

Museum to scale 1/7 is accompanied by a catalogue.

This exhibition is generously underwritten by Bruce and Cynthia Sherman.

After a homage to Marcel Duchamp and his Boîte-en-valise, the circuit takes off with Jean-Jacques Grandville’s illustrations to Gulliver’s travels, the famous novel by Jonathan Swift in which scale assumes an important role. Thematic and historical ensembles devoted to symbolism, surrealism, photography, the Cobra movement, abstract and minimal art lead to a section in which Belgian contemporary artists have each decorated a room in their own original way. Among the participating artists are Pierre Alechinsky, Carla Arocha & Stéphane Schraenen, Avant-Garde 1920-1925, Ruben Bellinckx , Pascal Bernier, Fred Bervoets, Guillaume Bijl, Bram Bogart, Elke Andreas Boon, Karin Borghouts, Dirk Braeckman, Marcel Broodthaers, Peter Buggenhout, Jean-Marie Bytebier, Jacques Charlier, Stijn Cole, Leo Copers, Cel Crabeels, Bert Danckaert, Geoffrey De Beer, Sergio De Beukelaer, Bert De Beul, Felix De Boeck, Lieven De Boeck, Jan De Cock, Peter De Cupere, Philippe De Gobert, Damien De Lepeleire, Peter De Meyer, Willy De Sauter, Luc Deleu, Ronny Delrue, Wim Delvoye, Denmark, Robert Devriendt, Honoré D'O, Fred Eerdekens, Nick Ervinck, Jan Fabre, Filip Francis, Michel François, Jean Grandville, Ann Veronica Janssens, Kamagurka, Gideon Kiefer, Marie Jo Lafontaine, Thomas Lerooy, Tom Liekens, Chantal Maes, Frank Maieu, Kris Martin, Wesley Meuris, Minimal Art 1970-2000, Léonard Misonne, Michel Mouffe, Sofie Muller, Museum of Belgian Surrealism (1929-1975), Johan Muylle, Nadia Naveau, Hans Op de Beeck, Ria Pacqué, Panamarenko, Arne Quinze, Gert Robijns, Peter Rogiers, Guy Rombouts, Salle Br. de Cobra 1955-1985, Kelly Schacht, Kurt Stallaert, Helmut Stallaerts, Boy & Erik Stappaerts, Elly Strik, Walter Swennen, Symbolism Mellery Xavier (1845 - 1921), Johan Tahon, The Fifties 1955-1956, Koen Theys, Ante Timmermans, Luc Tuymans, Stefaan Van Akoleyen, Walter Van Beirendonck, Guy Van Bossche, Camiel Van Breedam, Joris Van de Moortel, Rinus Van de Velde, Guy Van den Branden, Koen van den Broek, Etienne Van Doorslaer, Fik Van Gestel, Paul Van Hoeydonck, Jan Van Imschoot, Benoît Van Innes, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Koen Van Mechelen, Jan Van Oost, Tamara Van San, Hannes Van Severen, Philippe Van Snick, Els Vanden Meersch, Guy Vandenbranden, Stefan Vanfleteren, Jan Vanriet, Wout Vercammen, Angel Vergara, Liliane Vertessen, Andy Wauman, Cindy Wright, Dirk Zoete,...

An interactive website will offer the visitor the chance to act as curator of his or her own virtual museum. In addition a catalogue is published.


Mini Olfactory Lab

Mini Olfactory Lab shows the way how Peter De Cupere experiments in his labo.
3 Flowers - and 1 tree sculpture are presented in the mini lab on scale 1:7
Visitors can explore the different scents of these scent sculptures.

or: click to zoom image

More info: www.artisnaples.org