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Tue, Feb 11, 2025

1orangebulb22orangebulb_flower1A new flower based on the concept flowers 'Alambfleurics'.
The Orange Bulb Alambfleuric produces a typical orange fragrance, but has the quality of a perfume made of real flowers. The fragrance is more concentrated.

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The experiments and mix of oranges and flowers are made in the Olfactology Lab, which will be also shown in the exhibition. A selection of experiment will be presented. The visitor can smell every experiment and have a look to the concept and technical drawings of the whole smell- installation.


“Olfactology Lab, The Orange Bulb Alambfleurics”

A new smell installation by Peter De Cupere

Nationaal Jenevermuseum Stad Hasselt
Witte Nonnenstraat 19, 3500 Hasselt
Tel.: +32(0)11 23 98 53, Fax: +32(0)11 21 10 50

Exhibition until August 31, 2008

A new smell-installation based on experiments with orange, lemon, spices and plants.

logo_jenevermuseum.jpgNationaal Jenevermuseum ,  Witte Nonnenstraat 19,  3500 Hasselt - Belgium,

Photo gallery 1

Photo gallery 2