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Sat, Feb 15, 2025
21.02 - 31.03.2020
PXL MAD School of Arts, Hasselt, BE

Exhibition curated by artist Koen van den Broek
and Iris Paschalidis, Head of collection of the SMAK Gent.




On the occasion of the opening of the new art studios at PXL-MAD School of Arts, S.M.A.K. Museum of Contemporary Art shows a wide selection of top works from their collection in the new exhibition space of the Visual Arts study program. With the title 'No More Boring Art!
Iris Paschalidis and Koen van den Broek bring works to Hasselt by world-famous artists such as John Baldessari, Koen van den Broek, Mike Kelley, Martin Kippenberger, Luc Tuymans, Marlène Dumas, Peter de Cupere, Adrien Ghenie, Rene Daniels, Raoul Dekeyser, Thierry De Cordier, Harold Ancart, Oscar Murillo, Sam Durant, Didier Vermeiren, Jan Van Imschoot, Fred Bervoets, Jan Carlier, Liliane Vertessen, ... and more.
‘Please Smoke’ by Peter de Cupere, a work from 1999 made of 60.000 used cigarets butts!