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Tue, Feb 18, 2025

olfactory-art-manifest-in-cadre-detail1Olfactory Art Manifest and the private collection of Peter de Cupere in the exhibition 'Belle Haleine - Der Duft der Kunst' curated by Annja Müller-Alsbach

Museum Tinguely, Basel, CH

11.02.2015 - 17.05.2015 



The Olfactory Art Manifest by Peter de Cupere, August 11 2014

On August 11th, 101 years after the manifest of Carlo Carra “La Pittura dei suoni, rumori, odori: Manifesto futurista” [The Painting of Sounds, Noises, Smells: Futurist Manifesto], I will sign the Olfactory art manifest with my own smell which I have developed over the past 2 years through distillation of my bodily smells. After two years of intensively collecting my bodily smells and distilling these, I have only a small bottle ‘Own Smell’ at my disposal. This smell extract will be the ink to sign the manifest.

More info about this manifest you find on the website www.olfactoryartmanifest.com

The Manifest of Carlo Carrà, August 11 1913

From the collection of Peter de Cupere. Peter de Cupere collects since several years works, documents and stuff related to the use of scent in art history. The manifest of Carlo Carrà is one of these.

Historical documents about the use of scent in history related to film, theater and events

In the private collection of Peter de Cupere are important rare documents related to the use of scent in history. In the exhibition you can discover a selection of these documents. Here you see a few files. in the exhibitions you can discover more of these historical documents. Peter de Cupere also write about these historical research in his Phd about the use of scent in art as context and/or concept of the artwork.

How does art smell? What happens when our nose suddenly plays the principal role in the experiencing of art? For the first time, the exhibition places the sense of smell at the focus of our aesthetic perception. Scents evoke emotions, memories and associations that are subjectively and culturally shaped to varying degrees. A certain scent attracts us or repels us. The use of olfactory stimuli in art often occurs subversively and breaks many taboos. Odors provoke. Internationally renowned artists make use of this circumstance and in doing so deal with the big issues of our present day and society. The exhibition shows works and installations by, among others, M. Duchamp, D. Roth, P. de Cupere, E. Neto, E. Ruscha, V. Soares, S. Tolaas. A scent cinema and a diverse interdisciplinary supporting program complete the show.

More info: www.tinguely.ch