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Sat, Feb 15, 2025

Ronny Van de Velde presents a miniature museum with works of contemporary artists.



Mini Olfactology Lab shows the way how Peter De Cupere experiments in his labo.
3 Flowers - and 1 tree sculpture are presented in the mini lab on scale 1:7
Visitors can explore the different scents of these scent sculptures.


Click on read more to see the list of artists and photos of the mini Olfactology Lab

Some photos of the mini Olfactoloy Lab in progress (more photos follow next week)


Ronny Van de Velde has been active in the field of exhibition organisation and catalogue publication for about thirty years. This year he will present a museum on the scale of 1:7, made up of thirty rooms of original work, each 100 x 60 x 65 cm. Such an installation is a first at the BRAFA. The circuit begins with Grandville’s drawings for Gulliver’s Travels, the famous book in which scale plays such a major role. Subsequent exhibition rooms are devoted to symbolism, surrealism, photography, the Cobra group, abstract and minimal art, and some will feature works by contemporary Belgian artists including Peter De Cupere, Fred Eerdekens, Jan Fabre, Kris Martin, Wesley Meuris, Boy Stappaerts, Stefan Vanfleteren, Koen Vanmechelen, Wout Vercammen and Cindy Wright. A collection catalogue will be published in conjunction with the opening of the miniature museum.

19th and 20th century painting, sculpture, graphic design and photography 

Founded : 1980
Member : B.U.P.(B.U.P.), C.B.E.O.A(Chambre Belge des Experts en Oeuvres d´Art ), C.R.A.B./K.K.A.B.(Chambre Royale des Antiquaires de Belgique/Koninklijke Kamer van de Antiquairs van België)
Ronny Van de Velde: Stand N°  69

More info about the miniature museum: Ronny Van de Velde, Cogels Osylei 34, B-2600 Berchem (Antwerp) Belgium
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Venue: Tour & Taxis
Avenue du Port 86 C
1000 Brussels
DATES AND OPENING HOURS: Saturday 21 - Sunday 29 January 2012 
Daily from 11 am to 7 pm
Late night openings on Tuesday 24 and Thursday 26 January 2012 until 10 pm
Admission: Individual: 20 €, Groups (10 pers.): 10 € per person, under 26 year: 10 €, under 12 year: free

More info about BRAFA: www.brafa.be